
Vezuve Digital Marketing

Why Need Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing activities are the most effective way to grow and increase profitability for businesses of all sizes today. We, customers, spend most of our time on social media, and we determine our purchasing decisions according to our perception of trust in the companies we come across. Companies that spend time with their target audiences on social media and gain trust will continue to grow.

Advantages of Digital Marketing

Optimization and Conversion

Thanks to digital ads, you can measure the performance of your campaigns and make improvements in your campaign according to the feedback you receive.

Customer Segmentation

Thanks to Digital Marketing, you can determine your target audience according to their demographics, location and interests, so you can only present your ads to users who are interested in your product or service.

Low Cost, High Efficiency

Digital marketing can be carried out with lower budgets compared to traditional marketing methods. In addition, when the right target audience is determined at the right time, the return on investment will be much higher.


1-Establishment of Advertising Accounts

We create your Google ADS and Facebook Business Suite accounts.

2-Keyword Research

We target the words suitable for your industry and product.

3- Design Advertising Images

Advertising images are created to motivate customers.

4- Determination of Budget and Bids

With the right strategy, you can get higher efficiency with lower budgets.

5- Target Market and Segmentation

Target country and city targeting is done. Customers are targeted based on their interests.

6-Preparation of Titles and Explanations

Headlines and Descriptions are important for determining your ad rating. It should be compatible with keywords.

7-Installing Ad Extensions and Forms

Extensions such as phone calls, form filling or store visits are installed to better promote the services we offer to customers.

8- Establishing Conversions and Web Integration

We set up conversions on your website to monitor ad performance and identify negative keywords to increase ROAS.

Digital Marketing Ad Types

Google ADS

Google has tools to help us through all the processes in the marketing funnel. Thanks to Google ADS ads, you can perform many campaigns such as increasing your sales, increasing awareness, attracting more traffic to the website, promoting your application, in an efficient and sustainable way. We offer Google ads consulting and remarketing ads consulting services.

Youtube Video Ads

Youtube is one of the addresses that customers visit when making a purchase decision. Thanks to its high viewing and listening rates, it is a marketing channel that needs to be interacted with the customer. It offers you unique opportunities in building awareness on your brand, influencing customer decisions and in conversion processes. We offer Google ADS Video Advertising Consulting and Youtube Advertising Consulting.

Facebook Ads

Thanks to Facebook advertising campaigns, we reach your audience and influence their decisions during the purchasing process. We optimize brand awareness, interaction and conversion tools to provide maximum contribution to your business. After Vezuve Facebook ad management service, you can get high-efficiency ads and returns.

Instagram Ads

There are approximately 1.2 billion active users of Instagram around the world. It is an effective marketing tool thanks to the tools it provides to obtain interaction with low budgets, to analyze advertising performance, and to reach our goals. Your investments in Instagram will contribute to creating a reliable brand image. Our social media advertising management service will ensure the branding of SMEs and increase their customer awareness.

Tiktok Ads

Tiktok is the most effective platform to influence generation Z today. Thanks to the number of users exceeding 1 billion and the traffic reaching the number of youtube views, brands must be positioned on this platform and establish a dialogue with their audience. Tiktok ads will become more important with each passing day. With our Tiktok advertising consultancy service, producers will be able to reach the Z generation in the shortest way.

Conversion Funnel


Awareness Building

In the process of creating awareness, which is the first stage of the marketing funnel, we aim to reach as many potential users as possible and increase our brand awareness. Rather than making sales, it is aimed to increase brand loyalty.

Interest and Desire

Influencing Decisions

It aims to contact potential users who are researching your products and services and direct them to your brand. At this stage, the user is aware of your brand and makes researches about the product he needs. We’ll show them why they should choose you and get their attention.



The final layer of the marketing funnel is the customer’s targeted conversion. This can be many criteria such as filling out a form, selling a product, a phone call, a store visit. You direct potential customers who have already contacted your brand to action. We make sure that the increased traffic on your website turns into a real ROI.