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New E-Export Government Supports 2023

Export Government Supports In our 2023 blog post , we will examine what are the e-export government incentives put into effect by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Commerce on 24/08/2022 with the President’s decision numbered 5986. The General Directorate of Exports under the Ministry of Commerce has carried out a joint work with many E-commerce and E-Export Stakeholders, and prepared a support package covering every business exporting from Turkey, where every detail has been taken care of.

A large part of SMEs are afraid of exporting due to problems such as delivery time, logistics costs, product return processes, marketing costs, payment methods, company establishment, customs clearance, foreign language problems, knowledgeable human resources, and even for many, export is considered impossible. I hope e-export ends these fears .

What is E Export? How is it done?

E-Commerce: It refers to the delivery of products and retail sales from Turkey   to online marketplaces such as Amazon, ETSY, Ozon, Wayfair, Bol.com abroad. This case is the most common model, micro export.  

Micro-Export covers products sent abroad in accordance with the limits of the Simplified Customs Declaration (under the price of 15,000 Euros, which does not exceed the 300 Kg limit). In short, it can be expressed as E-Export = Micro Export + Trade Model with E-Commerce.  

E Export State Support 

You must be able to meet the base requirements to support digital activities at market entry. However, in this way, you can benefit from the privileges offered by the state within the scope of Export Government Supports 2023 . If we look at what the conditions are for Turkey to export;

  1. Companies (15 Million TL)

  2.   E-Export Consortiums (Business group formed by different service providers such as Logistics, Storage, Consultancy, Manufacturer) (45 Million TL)

  3. Market Places (Trendyol, PTT AVM) (45 Million TL)

  4. B2B Platforms (Online websites that gather manufacturers) (4 Million TL)

Conditions for E-Export Government Incentives

Some essential conditions are required for Ministry of Commerce support. If you meet these, you can benefit from these e-export supports. These conditions are;

  1. Must be a member of the Exporters’ Association

  2.  Only 1 person can apply while benefiting from the supports. (Only one partner from a company)

  3.  Audit permission to all activities carried out within the scope of the support (a company selling on the amazon marketplace must grant access to the vendor panel)

  4. .The product to be sold must be of Turkish manufacture and the place of manufacture of the brand name must be clearly written in the product lists sold online.

  5. Your brand must have a trademark registration certificate and the person whose trademark registration is in the name of the support application must be made.

We can sort by item. If these conditions are met, it will not be difficult for you to benefit from state support. 

Foreign Investment Government Incentives

Export Government Supports There are support items within the scope of e-export government supports for the year 2023. These;

Support for Beneficiaries

  • Digital Marketplace Promotion Support

  • Order Fulfillment Service Support

  • E-Export Promotion Support

  • Foreign Warehouse Rental Support

  • Market Entry Report Support

  • Integration Support to Overseas Marketplaces

  • Services Support from Online Store and Target Country E-commerce Stakeholders

  • Supporting Commission Expenses in Marketplaces

Support for Cooperation Organizations

Cooperation Organization: It is the organization where companies that offer services in the same field of activity come together. For this, organizations such as ATO, TÜSİAD, TÜRKONFED can be given as examples.


1. Sectoral Trade Procurement Committee 

Expenses related to the sectoral trade delegation, purchasing committee and virtual delegation for e-export, which includes e-commerce and retail products to be organized by cooperation organizations individually or together, are supported.

Sectoral Trade Delegation 1.5 Million TL Per Activity, Sectoral Buyer Delegation 1.25 Million TL Per Activity, Virtual Trade Delegation 1 Million TL Per Activity

2. E-export Promotion Project 

In order to establish the market entry strategies of the Cooperation Organizations, the sector and its members for e-export and to promote Turkish products in foreign marketplaces and digital platforms, 

Expenses related to the projects including promotion, consultancy, market research studies and reports regarding the products that can be sold as retail via e-commerce will be supported. There is a requirement to be involved in a maximum of 2 projects in the same month. (4 Million TL per Project)

3. E-Export Development Project 

E-Export Promotion Project (Maximum 2 projects at the same time) Supporting the project expenses of the cooperation organizations to ensure that their members act as partners towards e-export and enter the target countries and marketplaces that have problems in entering the market directly due to country conditions or market conditions. these companies,

It is thought that it will facilitate their e-export. It is aimed to reduce costs by acting jointly and to include Turkish products in target markets where companies are hesitant to enter the market individually.

(15 Million TL per Project)

4. Turkey E-export Platform 

Exporters in Turkey can be easily accessed by Importers from different countries, Our Manufacturers can receive orders through platforms, Information about important events to be held in our country can be announced via the platform, 

A National Digital B2B platform (B2B National Platform) will be established in order to develop all kinds of mechanisms that will enable importers and exporters to meet, and to provide an environment for the digitalization of all export transactions depending on the needs of the country and exporters in the future. (5 Years Period, Maximum 150 Million TL per Year).

Click here to learn more about the support rates of the incentive packages.

Countries Covering E-Export Supports 

In order to be able to export easily, let’s look at the countries that include e-export supports according to the Export State Supports 2023 regulation.  86% of global e-commerce is carried out in the 17 target countries shown in the table below. You can get 20% more support when you export to one or more of the countries in the table.





















What is the E-Export Consortium?

E-Export processes in storage, Order Fulfillment, Managing Marketplace Entry processes, Sales and Marketing Process management skills and necessary personnel and knowledge to export,

It refers to companies that can provide integration services and are given the title of e-export consortium by the ministry. A company can take the title of Consortium on its own, or it can form a consortium by coming together with companies that offer services in different fields.

Organizations that can become members of the consortium;

  •  Collector Company

  • Manufacturer Company or cooperative

  •  E-export Service Provider

  • Fast Shipping Company

  •  Sectoral Roofing Organizations Companies

  •  market places

E-Export Supports

   If we flow and examine what are the Export Government Supports and its benefits together with E-Export,

  • Market entry is very easy thanks to ETGB, Customs exemptions and accelerated export operations.

  •  In the global market, you can develop your potential customer base with high purchasing power and advanced e-commerce shopping habits.

  •  It carries less risk, you can produce according to order rates, according to customer demands, according to daily, monthly, annual sales volumes.

  • You do not have to deal with banks, wait for processes such as accreditation, deal with people.

  • Your payments are regularly deposited directly into your accounts.

  • You do not need to send large stock quantities and search for buyers for months. You can send products to many markets at the same time.

These and similar features are available. . 

What are the Advantages of E-Export?

Export Government Supports offer many supports and advantages for 2023. This aroused excitement in sellers who wanted to deal with trade. Well, let’s see what are the benefits of e-export, which is so curious and provides an increase in silzer cio, and what kind of benefits it provides to you;

  •  It accelerates the transition from traditional and now unsustainable business models to a new sustainable, easier and more efficient D2C business model and provides support to all exporters.

  • Manufacturer companies, which manufacture and ship worldwide in many sectors, enable them to produce their own Turkish products and create brands and to promote these Turkish brands abroad.

  •  Facilitates fast delivery and localization for manufacturers

  • Ensuring the adaptation of companies to new generation marketing and sales channels, eliminating the lack of knowledge and experience.

  •  Increases the overall export volume in our country

  • Provides financial support to businesses that want to sell abroad but do not have enough budget

We tried to give you detailed information about Export State Supports 2023 . If you would like professional support and consultancy on all processes during this process, we, as Vezuve E-Export Agency, are proud to provide you with privileged consultancy services. You can contact us and get information about the subject. 

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